The ancient Indian practice of yoga first arrived in the US at the beginning of the 20th century, but didn't really catch on until 1969 with chants at Woodstock. Now, after being overshadowed by the aerobics craze in the '80s and early '90s, yoga is once again attracting followers, with many looking for relief from ailments and injuries or from the stress of daily life.
Baby boomers, worn out from years of jogging and bouncy workouts, are back on board. But interest is growing with other age groups, too, from college students to senior citizens to celebrities.
The surge in interest is being fueled partly by doctors' growing acceptance of yoga's healing potential. Mainstream medicine has adopted yoga as a gentle therapeutic method for treating a number of illnesses, so more and more doctors are referring their patients to yoga. Initial trials have shown yoga can help people with many ailments such as arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, asthma and cardiac risk factors and much more.

Isokinetics Ball Chairs are the same chairs sold by others, only at a manufacturer direct price. No middleman means no need to pay more! And, we provide all of our chairs with a 1 year guarantee. As an additional bonus, we provide an exclusive exercise ball measuring tape that takes the guesswork out of inflating your ball. Sitting on an exercise ball while at home or work promotes flexibility, coordination, motor skills, core strengthening, and balance. Your body, when positioned on top of an exercise ball, is constantly making small adjustments, often imperceptible, to remain balanced and thus is constantly exercising a large group of muscles in doing so. By strengthening your body's core muscle group you help improve your posture, have better balance and guard against back injuries. It may take time before your body becomes accustom to sitting on an exercise ball, since your core muscles may not have gotten much exercise previously. Start by using it 10 to 15 minutes a day and gradually work your way up. If you have had back problems or injuries, make sure to consult your physician or therapist first. Note: We provide a small, starter pump for free for you to have a way to inflate your ball. However, exercise balls require a lot of air and it will take a lot of pumping with the free pump. So, you may want to consider purchasing at this time a high volume air pump, especially if you use exercise balls a lot or have other things you often inflate, like pool toys or air mattresses.
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