Vrksasana or Tree Pose for absolute beginners.
(This image is NOT absolute beginners as per instructions here. After you master the beginners tree pose you can graduate to this version.)
This is a great pose to help centre yourself. To regain focus, concentration and determination.
How to:
- Stand with your feet hip distance apart and parallel. (Mountain pose)
- Transfer your weight to your right foot. Visualise sending roots down into the ground. Firm and strong.
- Bring the ball of the left foot to the floor, touching your left heel to your right ankle.
- Find a spot to fix your gaze upon, this will help with balance.
- Bring your hands into prayer position at your chest.
- Inhale and raise your arms with palms together.
- Think about lifting and lengthening through your hips, spine and ribcage.
- Lengthen up through your shoulders and out through your finger tips.
- Seperate your palms, think about growing branches.
- Keep your neck nice and long.
- Balance for a few seconds.
- Bring your hands back to prayer position.
- Re-balance your weight evenly on both feet.
- Strengthens the muscles in the standing leg and ankle.
- Stretches the inner thigh muscle and opens the hip.
- Helps with focus, balance and concentration.
- Helps to reduce flat feet.
- If you have high blood pressure, keep the hands in prayer position.
- If you have weak ankles or inner ear problems that affect your balance use the support of a wall or the back of a chair.
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