The heart of man can be very generous, caring and charitable. We feel 'good' when serving others in this way, we are engaging in philanthropic activities, selfless works and this is indeed amazing for all those involved.
The kind men of this world try to help alleviate material suffering as much as possible, but we must remember that although we are temporarily residing in a body, we are not just a body, but rather 'WE' are spirit in essence. Therefore it is vitally important that we nurture and nourish the spirit also. A simple and enjoyable spiritual solution is provided to us via the kindness of spiritual doctors or masters. By taking the prescribed medicine we are able to revive our dormant but natural spiritual awareness.
If a naturally kind person wanted to add a spiritual component in with their charitable mix they could do so very easily. How is this possible you might ask. This simple but vital spiritual addition to ones life is made possible due to the many blessings given freely by the perfect masters who are expert spiritual physicians. They offer us the perfect solution to the woes and untold suffering experienced in this world, not only by mankind but ALL living beings.
Their spiritual medicine bag contains transcendental or spiritual sound vibrations also known as yoga mantras. Spiritual sound comes from the spiritual realm. To our ears these yoga mantras might seem like ordinary sounds, the difference being that these sounds carry with it a potency that is not present in material sound. This potency is the ability to touch and purify the heart of every living being who is fortunate enough to come into contact with it. Within every living body is a spirit soul. When a spirit soul comes into contact with spiritual sound that person is benefitted regardless of the body they are in.
To expose ourselves and others to spiritual sound vibrations truly is
the ultimate in humanitarian effort. Without discrimination or exception
everyone benefits".
Spiritual doctors are mankinds and all living beings best friend, by following their loving guidance we can become free. Free from the shackles of the mind and senses. Free from the wheel of samsara. They hand us the keys to another world, the world from which we came. They re-introduce us to our Supreme best friend who is with us eternally, seated within our hearts.
They help

Due to the kindness and blessings of our spiritual doctors we are able to finally find our way back home.
If you would like to find out more. We offer FREE yoga meditation classes as well as other yoga related classes that may interest you. Call or text 0404076108 or 0468344108
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