There are a great many people who are in the unfortunate position of having to live with painful aches and pains caused by severely damaged or inflamed joints. For some people it is a discomfort, and that is bad enough, but for others arthritis can turn them into a virtual cripples. Arthritis has been something that has affected people throughout history since prehistoric times, but it is only recently that we have begun to understand it.

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Arthritis is a joint disease that can cause problems in any area of the body where two or more bones intersect. The arthritis itself can affect the joint in a number of different ways, targeting different areas such as the synovium, the muscles tendons or the cartilage. Cartilage is the soft protective material that protects the ends of the joints from rubbing against each other and the entire joint is encased in a type of capsule that is lined with the tissue synovium.