Holistic Yoga Standing Forward Fold
Cautions: Back problems, high blood pressure. (Come down to half way only, keep hands on hips)
Benefits: Decompress's the spine. Calms the adrenal glands. Increases flexibility to the spine.
How To:
Stand in mountain pose.
Bring hands into prayer position at the heart.
Inhale, press buttocks together, lengthen thru the lower back as you straighten the arms fingertips towards the ceiling
Seperate the hands into a gentle back bend.
Exhale, tuck chin towards the throat and roll the shoulders forward as the arms drop forward.
Important to draw the belly button towards the spine and anchor the tale bone down. (No duck tails) Come all the way forward with bent knees touch your mat, and come up.
Make sure the belly is drawn back firmly and the tail bone is tucked down.
Come up one vertebrae at a time with the head coming up last.
Inhale, into prayer and repeat 6 times.
Will help to warm the body up if done briskly, other wise you will still increase the blood circulation by moving slowly at a relaxed pace. Just tune into your body and what your body needs.