How To No Dig Potatoes
It's very easy to grow potatoes the no dig, organic way. They are a great source of vitamins, minerals and iron.
Just like most fruits and veggies a lot of the goodness lies just beneath the surface of the skin, so try to keep some of the potato skin intact when preparing to cook.
Let's get growing!
When I was a kid my parents always had a huge organic garden with every veggie growing in it that you can imagine. We were always getting busted for eating the peas off the vine. My parents had a brick shed which housed many different varieties of seed potatoes as well as a slew of other root veggies from the previous seasons crop.
Nowadays of course you might find that situation out woop woop somewhere but us city folks will have to purchase some seed potatoes from a nursery. You can use potatoes from the supermarket, but seed potatoes will bring better yields. You can 'chit' them first (allowing them to start to grow) simply by placing them in a sunny spot, before planting.
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