Sunday, April 4, 2010

Yoga Meditation 4221 Holistic Yoga-End of Day 2

We took alot of photo's yesterday--just remembered that...interesting.

Today went by as a blur. Alot of chatting and getting to know the other teachers in training.

All the young ones seem to eat all day long, constantly nibbling and snacking away just like little squirrels -- don't know where it all goes, they are not over weight at all.

I managed to spill my breakfast on my yoga asana book. I hate that, I like to keep everything pretty together -- so kinda off to a messy start.

*  Among its myriad of benefits, the transcendental sound Gau-ra-ang-ga balances the crown chakra, our third eye and throat chakras (calms our overactive minds) and brings peacefulness to our troubled hearts.

Am learning heaps and having fun.


  1. why arn't you on line?

    I got here via youtube.

    I have a recipe I would like to share, let me know if you want one.


  2. Hey Jamie

    thanks for your feedback, I don't know what's happening with Google we have not been indexed yet. I'm new to blogging so I may not have everything set up properly. I'm busy right now but will try and figure out what's going on with that. If you have any suggestions I'm all ears.

    Would love vegetarian recipes. Thanks for offering. If anyone else out there would like to share a recipe contact me. I would really appreciate that.

    Finally thanks youtube

