Thursday, April 1, 2010

Yoga Meditation 4221 Holistic Yoga Teacher Training 2010

Yoga Teacher Training began this April 2010. I thought it would be interesting to keep a random record of events. See how it goes, see what we end up with after a couple years.

This is the first post for my holistic yoga teacher training blog.

*  There are a dizzying number of styles and approaches to yoga these days. Some involve resting in simple supported postures in quiet, candlelit rooms. Others push students to the edge of their physical capacity or are done to the beat of loud, rhythmic music. Some focus on physical alignment, while others offer a heart-centered approach. There is so much variety that describing them all is impossible. 


  1. when will you post about asanas?


  2. Hi Juls

    I'm new to blogging, just trying to get my head around how to do stuff.

    I thought I would ease into that part of it once I feel a little bit more comfortable about finding my way around this B environment.

    Don't worry I will get there. As I settle into things there will be quiet a bit of information on yoga, but not just hatha or physical yoga. Meditation and the benefits there of will also be mentioned, how to practise meditation etc,. anyway will leave you with these words of wisdom;

    "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Lao Tzu

