Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Namaste 2014 Happy Yoga Christmas

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Happy Yoga Meditation Weekend

Monday, November 3, 2014

Kick Start Your Yoga Practice

Friday, October 10, 2014

Yoga Wisdom

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Make Your Soulshine ... Meditate On Yoga Mantras

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Success requires Action

Friday, July 4, 2014

Retreat - Yoga Nidra

Retreat, Renew, Restore, Rebalance,

In this class we use spiritual sound heart meditations, guided group meditation to focus your mind and light up your heart.

Retreat means: A place to which one retires a place of privacy or safety, a refuge.

Our focus is on healing body mind and spirit.

It is common practice to shut down the eyes, closing off this one sense pathway equates to less distractions. This technique calms the mind and at the same time heightens ones awareness and perception. The psyche becomes more receptive and able to retain information.

We heal the body by practising yoga nidra, opening up the meridians and letting healing energy circulate freely through the body unhindered by tension. We help the body rest and relax, calm the mind by giving it a positive activity, focus the mind on relaxing the body this calms the brain releasing pranic energy, the bodies healing energy.

It is vital that we take care of spirit in order for the physical mental and emotional bodies to be in harmony, to be happy.

Just as we need food for our physical bodies to be healthy and happy we also need spiritual food in order for us the spirit spark to be healthy and happy.

Yoga mantras and meditations are our soul food. As we mentioned earlier about a refuge, safe place, this is the souls refuge from the kaos of the world, a place of peace and happiness. We rest in the sound of ancient, sacred yoga mantras.

One combination of mantras commonly used is *Om *Hari Om. Mantras can be combined with the inhale and exhale as in pranayama breathing, or singing meditations also known as *kirtan.

*Om: (Aum) became the sacred word hum of the Tibetans, amin of the Muslems and amen of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Christians

*Hari: One who takes away all miserable conditions.

*Kirtan: (Congregational singing of mantras) The sound of the soul singing.

If you would like to check it out, come experience it for yourself .. have a look at our yoga meditation timetable you are welcome to join in anytime. You will love it.


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Relax, Renew, Yoga

As an effective method of stress management, yoga is spreading into the business world, the helping professions, nursing and old age homes, and is used in the treatment of alcoholics, hyperactive children and youngsters with learning disabilities.

Hatha Yoga is among the most popular forms in the west. It emphasizes the practice of postures, which stretch and strengthen the body, help develop a sense of balance and flexibility, as well as body awareness and mental concentration. All forms of yoga incorporate the practice of proper breathing techniques for relaxation, to rest the mind from its constant chatter, to experience an internal calm, and to energize and also purify and detox the body.

As stress levels in society reach new heights, Yoga, and Yoga meditation, is growing in popularity in Western society, as is Mantra Yoga, the yoga of chanting.

Newcomers are hoping that yoga will provide them with a means for handling stress and diffusing tension.

Stretching and toning, though beneficial, aren't the primary reasons people turn to yoga. The difference between regular exercise and yoga is that yoga has a meditative quality, which is what most people want to help balance their hectic lifestyles.

If you would like to try yoga check out our class timetable.


Yoga and Meditation

Monday, May 12, 2014

Meditation alleviates stress

Do you feel stressed? Are you getting worn down by the daily grind? For most of us, our bodies think that we're running away from a tiger all day long. The constant challenges and pressures we face daily can really affect our health.
Did you know that as little as 10 minutes, each day spent in meditation can counteract that stress and bring you many powerful benefits. This is an excellent tool recommended by physicians to their patients. It's incredibly effective, and it’s free.
Meditation helps alleviate:
1. Stress
Meditation is a wonderful way to reduce stress. Not only does the practice of meditating give you some much-needed “down time” to rest physically, mentally, and emotionally, but it also directly impacts your entire nervous system by reducing your body’s production of stress-related chemicals such as cortisol. Meditation decreases oxygen consumption, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure, and increases the intensity of alpha, theta, and delta brain waves, which increase the relaxation response.
2. Pain
There is a significant body of research work demonstrating that meditation can reduce chronic pain. In a study published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine, patients suffering from backache, chronic migraine and tension headaches were able to decrease their pain medication and some patients were even able stop their pain medication with a consistent meditation practice.
3. Anxiety
A 2009 study in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that meditation decreased anxiety and increased hope in its participants. A separate study showed that cancer patients who practiced meditation for as little as seven weeks were significantly less depressed and anxious than their counterparts who did not meditate.
4. Cardiovascular disease
A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine followed patients with coronary heart disease who instituted a meditation practice for 16 weeks. Patients’ blood pressure and heart rate variability improved compared to a control group. In another study, researchers studying the effect of meditation on atherosclerosis reported that those who had practiced meditation for six to nine months had an 11% decrease in the risk of heart attack and up to a 15% decrease in the risk of stroke.
5. Insomnia
A study at the University of Minnesota showed patients with primary chronic insomnia who followed a three-month meditation program at home significantly improved their ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Check here for our weekly Yoga and Meditation Timetable

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Ukulele lessons for beginners

There are many benefits of ukulele lessons. Taking ukulele lessons is a great choice for kids and parents who want to stay involved in their children’s music lessons. Ukulele is simple to learn, but still challenging enough for new musicians. If you’re interested in learning the ukulele, here are 4 benefits of ukulele lessons.

1. Benefits of Ukulele Lessons:  Uke is Easy to Learn

Ukulele only has 4 strings making it very easy to learn. Because ukulele is easy to learn, it’s also a great choice for kids who want to play guitar. Ukulele is guitar’s smaller and easier to play cousin. Once kids get the basics down on ukulele, it’s easy to graduate to guitar later on. Reading ukulele tab is the same as reading guitar tab, and ukulele can be played either with your thumb or with a guitar pick.

2. Playing the Ukulele Develops Coordination

One of the benefits of ukulele lessons is ukulele teaches kids hand eye coordination and improves their fine motor skills. Kids who take ukulele lessons will learn how to independently move their fingers, coordinate rhythm, and read ukulele tab. They’ll also learn how to play fun songs from start to finish that use chords, and basic rhythms. These skills are vital to anyone interested in later taking on guitar or piano.

3. Ukulele Lessons are Great For Those Short on Time

A great benefit of taking ukulele lessons, is that the ukulele is a simple instrument. It’s much simpler  to understand and play than guitar, piano, or drums. So if you’ve always wanted to pick up an instrument, but don’t feel you have much time to dedicate to it, then ukulele lessons might be right for you.

4. Ukulele is Portable

Another benefit of ukulele lessons is the fact that it’s portable. Once you learn how to play, you can easily take your ukulele with you everywhere you go. It’s small enough to put in a truck, in a backpack, take with you on a hiking trip, the beach or at family parties. Ukulele is the ultimate traveler’s instrument.
Excerpt from lessons that
Click here for Yoga Palm Beach and our timetable for ukulele lessons

Monday, March 31, 2014

Hatha Yoga classes

Regular practice of Hatha yoga involves very little equipment - all you need is a quiet place, about thirty minutes a day and comfortable clothing. But this minimal investment of time can bring a variety of benefits including flexibility, increased muscle tone, better posture, reduced PMS, fewer daily aches and pains, more inner peace and a better attitude toward life.

Some studies have also shown that Hatha yoga, practiced in conjunction with a low-fat diet and moderate exercise can actually reverse clogged arteries and coronary diseases.

The stretching and breathing performed in Hatha yoga helps improve circulation. This, in turn, provides regular nourishment to cells throughout your body. After even a week of practicing Hatha yoga, you may feel rejuvenated and stronger than you have in years.

Frequent computer users and desk sitters should know that Hatha yoga is outstanding for releasing physical tension, especially in the head, neck, shoulders and lower back. Doing some stretches at work for the neck, arms and lower back can help reduce aches and pains received while hunched over a keyboard.

The combination of flexibility, cleansing breaths and inner serenity helps deter aging. I've seen 50, 60,-year-olds in my classes who practice yoga regularly and they look and feel healthy. Thank you Dr Suzy

Check here for our Yoga Meditation Timetable

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Helen Keller

"What I'm looking for is not out there, It is within me"

Helen Keller