Just by doing it i was able to experience all the benefits that people desire to achieve from holistic yoga meditation, even if i wasn't initally after them. I could feel myself being more able to relax. Any tension from the day could be melted away with ease. My mind started becoming clearer and i could more effectively see and deal with the stressful situations that inevitably arise in our lives.
Because of this, stress levels naturally decrease. As stress levels decrease, all sorts of positive benifits can manifest in the body. I also noticed my relationships with people around me improving. I was finding myself better able to relate to others in a kind and understanding way, and experiencing a genuine care for their wellbeing.
Truly, every aspect of my life has improved. All the details that we struggle with are included in the benefits of this meditation practice. All that i needed to do was make the practice of holistic yoga meditation a part of my day.
It could very easily sound like one of those too good to be true kinds of things. But the beauty of it is there is nothing to loose. It is more than worth a few hours of your time to attend a couple of the classes and learn what it is all about. Guaranteed no regrets!
All the best on a wonderful journey!